Roast Sandre with Saffron & Coriander

Preparation info
  • Ingredients For


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Quaglino's: The Cook Book

By Richard Whittington and Martin Webb

Published 1995

  • About

Sandre, also known as sander or pike-perch, is a firm white-fleshed freshwater fish, similar – but superior – to perch. If you are unable to obtain sandre, then try cod. You can buy palm sugar from Oriental shops.


  • 4 sandre or cod fillets, each weighing 200 g / 7 oz


Preheat the oven to 250°C/475°F/gas 9.

Peel and chop the ginger and garlic. Remove the stem and seeds from the chilli and chop finely. Put these three ingredients in a processor and whizz to a paste.

Put the sunflower oil in a small heavy saucepan over a low heat. Add t