Endive Salad with Mustard Dressing & Chives

Preparation info
  • Ingredients For


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Quaglino's: The Cook Book

By Richard Whittington and Martin Webb

Published 1995

  • About

This is less rich than the previous endive salad. The key to the success of it is lots of very good Dijon mustard in the dressing.


  • 4 heads of endive
  • small bunch of chives


Put all the dressing ingredients except the cream into a bowl and whisk hard for.3 minutes. Pour in all the cream in one go and stir in with a spoon. Hold at room temperature until ready to serve.

Cut off the bases of the endive and separate the leaves. Coat the leaves in the dressing, then build into pyramids on individual plates.

Scatter with chopped chives and finish with a f