Quaglino’s Mashed Potatoes

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Quaglino's: The Cook Book

By Richard Whittington and Martin Webb

Published 1995

  • About

People rave about the restaurant’s creamy-smooth mashed potatoes, though there is no secret about their success. The potatoes should be of a floury variety like a Desire or Russet, they should be cooked whole and allowed to dry properly before mashing with plenty of butter and a little milk.


  • 550 g/ 1 lb potatoes
  • 115 g / 4


Peel and rinse the potatoes, then cover them in a saucepan with cold water. Salt them and bring to the boil, lowering the heat to medium. The water should be bubbling but not boiling furiously. Cook for approximately 20 minutes or until they are just cooked all the way through.

Drain the potatoes through a colander and leave for a couple of minutes to steam dry before returning to the h