Zuppa di Pesce alla Ligure

Ligurian Fish Stew

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


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By Rose Gray and Ruth Rogers

Published 1995

  • About

In the River Cafe we serve this soup as a main course. You may vary the recipe according to the fish you can find, but always include a red fish such as mullet, a dense white fish such as turbot or monkfish (keep the bones for stock), and shellfish such as scallops, mussels or vongole.


  • 3 × 175-225 g (6-8 oz) red mullet, scaled and cleaned
  • 500 g (18


Fillet the red mullet, and cut each fillet into four. Cut the monkfish or turbot into similar sized pieces.

Clean the mussels as described in the recipe, and put into a large saucepan with a tight-fitting lid, along with 120 ml (4 fl oz) of the olive oil, the white wine and half the chilli. Cover and steam over a high heat, shaking, until all the shell