Carpaccio con Salmoriglio

Beef Fillet with Salmoriglio

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


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By Rose Gray and Ruth Rogers

Published 1995

  • About

We char-grill the whole fillet just to form a crust adding flavour to the raw beef.


  • 1 top-quality beef fillet, about 1.5 – 1.8 kg (3.½-4 lb), trimmed
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Thyme Salmoriglio


Preheat a grill to very hot. Rub the fillet with salt and pepper, then briefly grill, turning continuously to blacken the outsides, but making sure that the centre remains raw.

Slice the cold fillet into 1cm (½in) slices on a board. Using a large pointed cooking knife, press an