Grilled Octopus with a Green Pawpaw Salad

Preparation info
  • Serves between

    six and four

    as a shared starter
    • Difficulty


Appears in

By Neil Perry

Published 1998

  • About

Green pawpaw is available in Chinatown and lends texture and structure to many Thai salads. The octopus is best when barbecued, tossed through with the pawpaw and served hot. The heat from the chilli in the dressing and from the warm octopus give an interesting mouth feel.


  • 250 g whole octopus
  • peanut oil for cooking
  • 150 g shredded green pawpaw


Split the octopus down the back of the head and scrape out the gut and ink sac. Pull out the hard beak. Remove the head and cut the legs into pairs, and marinate in the peanut oil.

Heat up a barbecue or a grill to high and add the octopus. Turn after about 3 minutes and cook for another 3 minutes. You can also sauté the octopus in a wok over high heat. Remove the octopus and put in a bo