Tuna Escabeche

Tonno a Scapece

Preparation info
  • Serves


    as a first course
    • Difficulty


Appears in
A Sardinian Cookbook

By Giovanni Pilu and Roberta Muir

Published 2012

  • About

This dish, a variation on the Spanish escabeche, is cooked all over Sardinia, though it’s most common in Cagliari and Oristano, the two main fishing areas. Traditionally prepared and served in terracotta dishes, it can be made with tomatoes (in rosso) or without (in bianco). Any oily fish can be used, including mullet, mackerel, yellowtail kingfish and sardines, but tuna works particularly well if you don’t have the time to leave the fish to marinate for 12–24 hours, as it tas