421. Pasticcio di Carciofi e Piselli

Artichoke and Pea Pie

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


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By Pellegrino Artusi

Published 1998

  • About

This is a strange pasticcio, but many people might like it, so I will describe it:


  • 12 artichokes
  • 150 grams (about 5-¼ ounces) of shelled peas


Remove all of the inedible leaves from the artichokes, cut them into two pieces, and remove the hairy choke or core, if any. Parboil both the artichokes and the peas for a few minutes in salted water, then drop in cold water. Strain, dry well, and cut the sections of artichoke in two again. Put both the artichokes and the peas on the fire with 40