564. Gateau à la Noisette

Hazelnut Cake

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in

By Pellegrino Artusi

Published 1998

  • About

Let’s give this cake a pompous French name, which is not wholly undeserved.


  • 125 grams (about 4-½ ounces) of rice flour
  • 170 grams (about 6 <


Blanch the shelled hazelnuts (or filberts) and almonds in hot water to remove the skins, and dry both well in the sun or over the fire. Then, after grinding them to a very fine powder, mix with the rice flour and two tablespoons of the sugar. Blend the eggs well with the rest of the sugar, and then stir in the nut mixture, whisking vigorously. Finally, add the melted butter and blend once again