582. Torta coi Pinoli

Cake with Pine Nuts

Preparation info
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By Pellegrino Artusi

Published 1998

  • About

These cakes are so popular that some pastry shops can’t make them fast enough. To those unfamiliar with such things, this cake will appear to have been invented by a professor from the Sorbonne. Here is my exact re-creation of it:


  • half a liter (about ½ pint) of milk
  • 100 grams (about) of medium-sized semolina


The amount of semolina doesn’t have to be exact, but make sure to use enough so that the cake will be firm. Chop the pine nuts with a mezzaluna until they’re half the size of a grain of rice.

Once the semolina has cooked in the milk, add all the other ingredients and lastly the eggs, quickly blending everything together.

Make a shortcrust pastry dough with the following ingredie