628. Pasticcini di Marzapane

Marzipan Pastries

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By Pellegrino Artusi

Published 1998

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Make a shortcrust pastry dough.

Make a marzipan like the one in recipe 579, with the following proportions:


  • 180 grams (about 6-⅓ ounces) of blanched sweet almonds and 3 bitter almonds


Use little molds like the ones for individual brioches, or somewhat smaller, which would be better. Grease the molds with butter, line with a layer of the shortcrust pastry about as thick as a coin, fill will the marzipan, fold the edges of the pastry dough over, moisten the edges with water, cover with more pastry dough, gild the top, bake in the oven or Dutch oven and afterwards sprinkle with