644. Torta di Pane Bruno alla Tedesca

German-Style Brown Bread Cake

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


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By Pellegrino Artusi

Published 1998

  • About

This is a cake well worth the effort. I advise you try it.


  • 125 grams (about 4-½ ounces) of sweet almonds
  • 125 grams (about 4-½


First mix the sugar and two of the eggs, whole, then add the almonds, which you have blanched and crushed very fine in a mortar with a tablespoon of the sugar. Stir the mixture, then add the rye bread crumbs, three egg yolks, and lastly the cognac. Beat the three remaining egg whites until stiff and fold them in. Prepare a baking pan of the appropriate size, grease it with butter and dust it wi