677. Dolce di Ciliege

Cherry Delight

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


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By Pellegrino Artusi

Published 1998

  • About

As a family dessert, it is first rate and worth the effort.


  • 200 grams (about 7 ounces) of black cherries, raw, whole and without the stems
  • 100 grams (about


If you do not have rye bread, use ordinary bread.

Blanch the almonds, dry and mince finely until each piece is half the size of a grain of rice.

Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until they become fluffy. Add the bread crumbs, the rosolio, the vanilla or the lemon zest, and continue mixing for a while longer. Then fold in gently the egg whites, beaten until quite stiff. Pour the