Leek and Meat Fritters

Albóndigas de Prasa

Preparation info
  • Makes 36 to 40 meatballs; serves

    6 to 8

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Sephardic Flavors: Jewish Cooking of the Mediterranean

By Joyce Goldstein

Published 2000

  • About

Meat patties extended with cooked vegetables are common on the Sephardic table. The classic combination of leeks and meat is associated with Izmir, and of spinach and meat with Salonika. The mixture may be thickened with fresh bread crumbs or with mashed potatoes. Nicholas Stavroulakis adds chopped haminado eggs and dill, while Esin Eden adds cinnamon. Sometimes grated walnuts are added for albóndigas de prasa kon muez, a recipe from Sefarad Yemekleri.