
Preparation info
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Appears in
Sex & Drugs & Sausage Rolls

By Graham Garrett and Cat Black

Published 2015

  • About

This is a chilled soup. The orange juice works well, and the vinegar brings a touch of acidity. I used to swirl olive oil into it, but if you freeze the olive oil you can drop a cube on top and it melts into the soup


  • 2 ripe Charentais melons
  • 125 ml freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 5 g


To make the soup

Remove the seeds from the melons, scoop out the flesh and put into a blender. Blitz until smooth, add the orange juice and salt and pepper. Taste to check the seasoning before adding the vinegar - depending on the sweetness of the melons and orange juice, you may decide to add a little more or a little less. Put the soup in the fridge until