
Preparation info
  • Makes


    cake, 8-12 slices depending on your appetite
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Sex & Drugs & Sausage Rolls

By Graham Garrett and Cat Black

Published 2015

  • About

This is our go-to cake recipe. It has been used in every dessert going. I developed it at the house. As a plain cake it’s great, but you can also soak it in syrups. Made with a sweet wine like sauternes it’s great


  • 170 g soft butter
  • 170 g golden caster sugar
  • 3


To make the cake

Cream together the butter and sugar until very pale and fluffy. Beat in the egg yolks one at a time, followed by a couple of tablespoons of the flour. Add the Amaretto and then the almonds and salt. Fold in the remaining flour. Whisk the egg whites to soft peaks then fold into the cake mix.

Pour into a lined 24cm square baking tin a