
Preparation info
  • Makes

    3 x 500 g

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Sex & Drugs & Sausage Rolls

By Graham Garrett and Cat Black

Published 2015

  • About

What could be more British than a pickled onion? I get people eating the whole jar, and have countless requests to take a jar home


  • 300 g sea salt
  • 1500 ml water
  • 1 kilo


Dissolve the salt in the water and pour over your peeled onions. Put a plate or saucepan lid directly on top to help keep them submerged, then chill them in the fridge for a week.

To make the pickle

In a non-reactive pan, bring all the ingredients to the boil.

Wash the onions thoroughly then add to the simmering pickle liquor.
