Crisp wild mushroom risotto with mozzarella

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Simple to Sensational

By Jun Tanaka

Published 2010

  • About

This was invented as a way of using up leftover risotto from the night before. It is what the Italians call ‘Arancina’, which means ‘orange’ in reference to the shape of the risotto ball. It’s absolutely delicious; the crisp outer coating, soft risotto and oozing mozzarella makes for a surprising dish.



  1. Make the Wild Mushroom Risotto. Pour into a large shallow dish, leave for 10 minutes to cool down, cover with cling film and place in the fridge for 2 hours or until firm.
  2. Once the risotto is firm to touch, form into four balls using your hands. Keep rolling the risotto in the palm of your hands to achieve the right shape. Cut off four pieces from the mozzarell