Lemongrass Pork on Cool Rice Vermicelli with Herbs

Bún Thịt Nướng

Preparation info
  • Makes

    4 to 6

    bowls as a one-dish meal
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Southeast Asian Flavors: Adventures in Cooking the Foods of Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia & Singapore

By Robert Danhi

Published 2008

  • About

These are a dining-out habit of mine. Although I love to cook Vietnamese food, I also go out to restaurants for it. These noodles are a frequent first choice. Vivid tastes, colors, and textures each add their own notes in the orchestra of flavors that unravels with each bite. The palate-tickling sensation of the angel-hair fine rice noodles becomes even more stimulating once the sweet-tart-savory dressing loosens their tangled filaments. They revel in a contrast of crunchy cool vegetables,