Pickled spiced beetroot

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By Christine Manfield

Published 1999

  • About

This is a terrific vegetable to serve with roasted or barbecued kangaroo, venison or beef. It can also be served as an appetiser with fresh goat’s cheese or the creamy Persian-style fetta being made in Victoria at Meredith Dairy and Yarra Valley Dairy.


  • ½ teaspoon fennel seeds
  • 12 large beetroots
  • 700 ml mal


  1. Dry-roast fennel seeds over gentle heat until fragrant. Cool, then grind to a powder.
  2. Cook beetroots whole in a large saucepan of boiling water until soft, then peel. Refresh beetroots in cold water and coarsely grate into a large bowl.
  3. Put remaining ingredients, including ground fennel, into a non-reactive saucepan and bring to a boil. Simmer for 45