Home-Made Yoghurt

Preparation info
  • Makes approximately

    1 litre

    • Difficulty


Appears in
What to Eat Now (Spring & Summer)

By Valentine Warner

Published 2009

  • About

Why make yoghurt when you can buy it? Well, apart from the pleasure of making it for yourself, you can get it just how you like it by fiddling with the proportions of the ingredients. This is how I like it..


  • 150 ml single cream
  • 75 g live bio-yoghurt
  • 750 ml


Pour the tepid milk into a large, clean bowl and stir in the cream. Leave to cool for 5 minutes at room temperature - no longer - then add the yoghurt and stir well. Cover with clingfilm and place the bowl in a warm airing cupboard overnight. The next day, the yoghurt should be well thickened. At this point it can be transferred to the fridge. If straining