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Appears in
What to Eat Now (Spring & Summer)

By Valentine Warner

Published 2009

  • About

This is a very simple dough that is versatile and good for outdoor lunches and barbecues. I love watching the breads puff up like blowfish. But beware they can cause pain; watch out that they don’t breathe hot steam on you and scald your skin.


  • 450 ml warm water
  • 1 X 7 g sachet easy-blend dried yeast
  • 1


Pour the water into a measuring jug. It should be warm enough to activate the yeast without killing it; I usually mix 150ml just-boiled water with 300ml cold water. Sprinkle over the yeast and stir in the sugar. Leave for about 10 minutes, or until the yeast has a beige foam floating on the surface. Put the flour in a mixing bowl. Crumble over the salt and stir together.

Pour the olive