Chestnut Pancakes with Rum

Crèpes à la cévenole

Preparation info
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By Caroline Conran

Published 2012

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With a handful or two of chestnut flour mixed with plain flour, these pancakes are a warm brown and the flavour is warm and nutty too. They are delicious, but not as light as pancakes made wholly with white flour, so try to make them small and dainty.


For the Pancakes

  • 50 g plain flour, 50 g chestnut flour (or 100g</


Make the batter in the usual way. Put the flour(s) in a bowl, mix in the salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar, break in the eggs, slowly whisk in the milk and orange flower water and mix everything together; only add enough liquid to give it a creamy consistency, it should form a ribbon when poured from a spo