Walnut Bread

Pain au noix

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By Caroline Conran

Published 2012

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Mix the flour and yeast in a bowl then work in the water. Beat it to a smooth cream with a whisk. Cover the bowl and leave to rise in a moderately warm place (23–25°C). Let it ferment for 1½ hours.


To Make the Leaven Starter (Levain)

  • 35 g white bread flour
  • a 7g packet - 2 leveltsp -


Dissolve the salt in the water. Put both the flours in a large bowl and mix them together thoroughly. Make a well in the centre and pour in the levain. Gradually add the water, mixing it in with one hand, making a sticky mixture. Keep 20g or so of white flour for sprinkling on the worktop a

Mix the flour and yeast in a bowl then work in the water. Beat it to a smooth cream with a whisk. Cover the bowl and leave to rise in a moderately warm place (23–25°C). Let it ferment for 1½ hours.