Rum Crunch Iced Parfait

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Sweet Dreams

By Josceline Dimbleby

Published 1985

  • About

Everyone votes this one of the best ice creams. Rich, but light, it has a contrasting crunch of toasted biscuits. All children I have tried it on consumed it with gusto.


  • 7.05 oz (200 g) packet of ginger or plain digestive biscuits
  • 1 oz (


Crush the biscuits under a rolling pin and then mix in a bowl with the caster sugar. Heat a large frying pan until very hot and then stir the crushed biscuit around in it for a minute or two until crisp and toasted.

With an electric whisk (if possible) whisk the egg whites with the salt until you have soft peaks. Dissolve the granulated sugar in the water in a pan over a gentle heat. Th