Endives au Beurre d’Anchois

Chicory/Belgian Endive with Anchovy Butter

Preparation info
  • 6

    • Difficulty


Appears in
A Table in Provence

By Leslie Forbes

Published 1987

  • About

The anchovy butter in this recipe is a milder and creamier alternative to the stiff, and sometimes overwhelmingly fishy anchoïade sauce that is traditionally served with winter salads all over Provence. It contrasts well with the bitter crispness of the chicory.


  • 5 anchovies (more if you like them a lot)
  • 4 tbsp/60 ml butter plus another


First pound the anchovies (washed in several changes of running water) with 4 tbsp/60 ml butter until smooth. Melt 1 tsp/5 ml butter in a frying pan over a low heat. When butter is golden (but definitely not brown) add the flour and tarragon and stir for a minute. Take the pan off the heat, mix in the lemon juice, pepper, and little by little, the anchovy butter, stirring until smooth. Arrange