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Fragrant Mushrooms in Lettuce Leaves

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Thai Food and Cooking

By Judy Bastyra and Becky Johnson

Published 2011

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This quick and easy vegetable dish is served on lettuce leaf “saucers” so can be eaten with the fingers– a great treat for children.


  • 30 ml/2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped


  1. Heat the oil in a wok or frying pan. Add the garlic and cook over a medium heat, stirring occasionally, until golden. Do not let it burn or it will taste bitter.
  2. Meanwhile, separate the individual lettuce leaves and set aside.
  3. Increase the heat under the wok or pan and add the lemon grass, lime leaves and sliced mushrooms. Stir-Fry for about 2 minutes

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