Croustade with Apples and Prunes in Armagnac

Croustade de Pommes et de Pruneaux à la Gasconne (Pastis Gascon)

Preparation info
  • Serves

    6 or 7

    • Difficulty


Appears in

By Paula Wolfert

Published 1987

  • About

The best gascon croustade (pastis) I ever tasted was made by a woman from the Gascon town of Eauze. She mixed cooked apples with prunes that had been marinated in Armagnac for six months. This created the following recipe filling. If the decoration of roses atop the croustade seems too complicated, simply wrap the fruit in the dough, bake it, and call it a tourtière landaise. Serve it lukewarm. In Gascony, long, thin scissors are used to cut this cake into wedges.
