Trofie: Pesto, Potato and Green Beans

Trofie al Pesto Genovese

Preparation info
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By Caz Hildebrand and Jacob Kenedy

Published 2010

  • About

This basil pesto recipe is enough for about ten people; there’s no point making a small quantity as it freezes very well. Use 120g of pesto for the pasta for two.


  • 150 g semola (or 150 g dried trofie or linguine)
  • 1


To make the pesto:

Pick the basil leaves. Wash them gently only if you have to (let them dry naturally, spread out on a cloth). Crush the garlic to a paste with a little salt. Put the cheeses, basil and garlic into a food processor and work until a fine paste, then add the pine nuts and continue until quite fine, but with some texture from the kernels. Add the olive oil and butte