Poached Chicken with Walnut Sauce

Tushkovana kurka z horikhovoyu pidlyvoyu

Preparation info
  • Makes

    6 to 8

    servings / 1½ cups walnut sauce
    • Difficulty


Appears in
The New Ukrainian Cookbook

By Annette Ogrodnik Corona

Published 2020

  • About

Poached chicken is another important Ukrainian stand-by dish. It is served hot or cold with mustard, mayonnaise, sour cream, or fresh lemon juice as part of zakusky hour, or as a first course or light dinner. It provides Ukrainian cooks with plenty of other options for casseroles and soups, or when combined with any cooked kasha and vegetables makes another nutritious meal.

Nuts are a home product of Ukraine, Crimea in particular. Walnuts are available all year long and used