Wild Ducks, Hunters’ Style

Salmi de Canards Sauvages a la Chasseur

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


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By The Times Picayune Publishing Company

Published 1901

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  • 2 Fine Canvasback Ducks
  • ½ Pint of Veal Broth, Consomme or Water
  • A


Pick the ducks; singe, draw, and, after rinsing clean within, wipe neatly within and without. Cut off the wings, legs and breasts; then take the two carcasses and sprinkle rightly with salt and place in the oven to bake about six minutes. Then remove the carcasses and hash them up. Put them into the saucepan; and add a pint of veal broth, Consomme, or water in lieu of either of these. Ad