Herrings with Lemon and Mustard Sauce

Preparation info
  • Serve

    4 to 6

    unless otherwise stated.
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Two Fat Ladies Obsessions

By Jennifer Paterson and Clarissa Dickson Wright

Published 1999

  • About


  • 2 tbsp all-purpose flour
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 1 extra large egg


Season the flour with salt and pepper. Beat the egg with the milk and the mustard. Rinse and dry the herring fillets. Dip into the beaten egg mixture and then in the seasoned flour.

Melt the butter in a large frying pan and fry the fillets over a moderate heat for 3—4 minutes on either side and until a light golden brown.

Meanwhile, to make the sauce, whisk together all the ingr