Mango and Passion Fruit Cheesecakes

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      1 hr

Appears in

By Sarah Graham

Published 2017

  • About

These were a unanimous favourite when we were doing the book shoot. Make them soon so that you can gobble them greedily too.


What you’ll Need

Biscuit base

  • ¼ cup ground almonds
  • ¼ cup desiccated coconut
  • 2


What to do

  1. Add all of the biscuit base ingredients to a nonstick pan over medium heat. Allow the butter to melt and then continue cooking, stirring from time to time, until the almonds and coconut are golden and toasted. Remove from the heat and divide between four pretty glasses.
  2. To make the filling, whisk together the cream cheese, lemon juice, vani