Braised herb-stuffed globe artichokes

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Wild Weed Pie: A Lifetime of Recipes

By Janni Kyritsis and Roberta Muir

Published 2006

  • About

My friend Maggie Beer once told me my artichoke dish at MG Garage was the best she’d ever tasted. The artichokes themselves taste even better the next day.


  • juice of 1 lemon, strained
  • 8 large globe artichokes
  • 1 cup


Add the lemon juice to a bowl of water large enough to hold the prepared artichokes. Artichokes discolour very quickly once cut, so prepare one artichoke at a time and keep them in the lemon water. Aluminium also makes artichokes discolour, so it’s important not to use aluminium pans or utensils when cooking them. Trim the stem of the first artichoke, leaving 5 cm attached. Snap off outer leave