Candied Orange Peel

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Mrs. Witty's Monster Cookies

By Helen Witty

Published 1983

  • About

This keeps well so make a pound or so at a time. You’ll need:


  • 4 large oranges with clear, brilliant skin (preferably navels)
  • 2 cups water
  • cups


Cut off the top and bottom of each orange, being careful not to cut into the flesh. Score the peel of each into quarters. Using a teaspoon held with its bowl facing toward the fruit, pry off the quarters of peel. Place the peel in a large saucepan and cover it with water; bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil the peel 5 minutes, then drain, return it to the pan, add fresh water to cover, and r