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Banana Loaf

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Appears in
World's Best Cakes: 250 great cakes from Raspberry Genoise to Chocolate Kugelhopf

By Roger Pizey

Published 2013

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Back in the mid-1800s, bananas from the Caribbean were seen as a rare and exotic fruit, coming all the way to the UK and Europe across the Atlantic Ocean in what came to be known as ‘banana boats’. In the 20th century, though (with brief respites for the World Wars), bananas became a weekly feature of everyone’s food bowls and they started appearing in all sorts of baking recipes. For the tastiest banana loaf - some call it banana bread - use the ripest bananas you have; the skins should be

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Matthew Cockerill
from United Kingdom

For best results, read the recipe more carefully than I did and recognize that only one banana goes in the mix and the other is reserved to go on top! Also, do not confuse your 1 teaspoon and 1/2 teaspoon measuring spoons.

Despite these unforced errors on my part it still got a very enthusiastic response when served and is definitely a good use for those very ripe bananas that might otherwise be heading for the compost heap - 5 stars for sure…

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