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Andaluz: A Food Journey Through Southern Spain

By Fiona Dunlop

Published 2023

  • About
Granada, of course, scooped up top prize in the architectural stakes thanks to the glorious forms of the Alhambra (“red fort” in Arabic) silhouetted against the snow-capped Sierra Nevada This, the last bastion of Al-Andalus, was an emirate ruled by the Nazrid dynasty that stretched from Gibraltar to Almería However, nearly eight centuries after the Moors’ arrival, it was being chipped away inexorably: Málaga fell (bloodily) in 1487, then Almería, and finally the besieged capital itself in 1492 Ferdinand and lsabella, the Catholic monarchs of a reunited Spain, imposed the new architectural forms of the Renaissance, the Spanish language, the beliefs and rituals of the Catholic church and, not least, a pork-based diet.

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