Portuguese artist Manuel Fúria is a nearly singer in same way we could call Padre António Vieira a nearly writer. He first came to public attention as leader of Os Golpes, with whom he released Cruz Vermelha Sobre Fundo Branco and G and set up the record company Amor Fúria, Companhia de Discos do Campo Grande. His more-or-less-solo career, accompanied by Náufragos, has produced records such as As Aventuras do Homem Arranha, Manuel Fúria Contempla Os Lírios do Campo and Quatro Canções e Outros Tantos Lugares Comuns. In among all this he writes small treatises on the world, is a husband and father, a purist of the unpure and a patriot of the impossible or, in the generous words of Nuno Miguel Guedes, a subversive. He uses without fear words such as motherland, love, charity, heart, kindness, king, faith, girl, bride, Christ, contemplation, mystery and soul. One single word, unspeakable but urgent could sum up all the above. That urgency and the need to share it is the main reason for his art and for his need always to forge ahead.