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Plant Milks

Appears in
Rose Elliot's Complete Vegan

By Rose Elliot

Published 2019

  • About

There are many to choose from, with different flavours and textures, some thicker than others, some sweetened, some not. I prefer unsweetened for everything (you can always add but not take away!) and for everyday use on cereals, in drinks, and for most cooking I like KoKo, which is quite a ‘thin’ milk, but for making mayonnaise and vegan double cream I use a thicker one such as oat or soy, though I try not to over-use the latter, simply because soy creeps into so many manufactured foods. Vegan yogurt and single cream are also available: I like a plain unflavoured supermarket brand of yogurt which I’ve also successfully used as a ‘starter’ for making my own yogurt. Coconut Milk, available in cans everywhere, is very useful: keep a couple of cans in the fridge so that it separates, then pour off the liquid and use the rest as cream in sweet and savoury recipes. You can make your own plant milks using the recipes.

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