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Cookbooks: 1970s to the Present: Riding Economic Turmoil

Appears in
Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America

By Andrew F. Smith

Published 2004

  • About

As the first decade of the new century ended, the cookbook industry found itself riding the difficulties of a Wall Street meltdown and a continuing recession. In the beginning of the 2000s, signs pointed to a slowing cookbook industry. Book publishing companies were consolidating; bookstores were going out of business. The proliferation of recipes found on hundreds of websites also did not help cookbook sales.

Although the number of cookbooks published varied from year to year, as the decade ended, the overall publishing trend had surprisingly moved up. In 2004, 1,950 cookbooks were published. By 2010, the number had risen to 3,300. The public’s interest was still strong, helped along by new television food “reality” shows, celebrities, food blogs, online sites, and the desire on the part of many cooks to know more about the foods they were buying.

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