This technique, which involves both breading and frying, is used for fish that have been cleaned and boned, usually whiting, sole, and brill.
- Prepare the fish for cooking and pat dry.
- Prepare three shallow containers; one with all-purpose flour, one with a mixture of an egg beaten with coarse salt to taste and about ¼ teaspoon vegetable oil (increase this amount as necessary, depending upon how much fish you are cooking; one egg will coat about 2 fillets), and one with fine white breadcrumbs. Line the filled bowls up — first the flour, then the egg, and finally the bread crumbs.
- Season the fish with salt and pepper to taste.
- Place the fish in the flour, turning to coat all sides and then lifting up and shaking off any excess.
- Dip the floured fish into the egg mixture, turning to coat. Using your fingertips, skim off any excess egg from the fish.
- Lay the fish in the breadcrumbs, pressing firmly to make sure that it is evenly coated. Turn and coat the remaining side.
- Using the dull edge of a knife blade, make a quadrillage design on the top of the fish.
- Heat a mixture of vegetable oil and butter in a poêle over medium heat.
- Carefully place the fish, quadrilléed side down, into the hot fat.
- When nicely browned, using a fish spatula, turn the fish over. Lower the heat and cook slowly until golden brown.
- Remove from the pan and place on a double layer of paper towels to drain before serving.