Tips on making a French meringue using an electric mixer

Appears in
The Fundamental Techniques of Classic Cuisine

By French Culinary Institute

Published 2021

  • About
  • Start at the lowest speed to incorporate air.
  • If using cream of tartar, add it just when the whites are frothy.
  • Once frothy, turn the speed up (to 6 or 8 on a KitchenAid mixer).
  • Add sugar just as the soft peaks form.
  • Sear the meringue by beating at high speed for a few seconds just at the end of the beating process; this will stabilize it.
  • The meringue should be smooth and shiny; if it is dry, grainy, or cottony, it has been overbeaten.
  • A meringue can be started with an electric mixer and finished by hand using a balloon whisk to achieve a very smooth texture.