How to Grill Asparagus

And Other Long, Slender Vegetables

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By Steven Raichlen

Published 2001

  • About
METHOD: Direct grilling
Grilling, more than any other cooking method, makes asparagus taste sweet and springlike. But, the slender stalks present a problem, for they tend to fall through the gaps in the grate. The Japanese have come up with an ingenious solution: They skewer the stalks crosswise with a toothpick or bamboo skewer, making them easy to turn with tongs, and you don’t lose a single stalk to the fire.

Setting Up the Grill

  1. To set up a charcoal grill for direct grilling, first light the charcoal in a chimney starter.

  2. Using a garden hoe or other long-handled implement, rake the burning coals into an even layer.

  3. To see if the grill is preheated to high, use the test.