How to Grill Tomatoes

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By Steven Raichlen

Published 2001

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METHOD: Direct grilling
Is there anything more delicious than biting into a luscious, red, squishily ripe tomato? Only one thing I can think of: biting into a luscious, red, squishily ripe tomato that’s been grilled. The easiest way to grill a tomato is simply to place it on the grate over a hot fire. The skin will darken and blister, imparting a smoke flavor. Drizzle the best extra-virgin olive oil you can buy over the tomato and sprinkle it with coarse sea salt and freshly ground black pepper (and perhaps a little chopped garlic and fresh herbs). The recipe that I’ve chosen to illustrate this technique is a trifle more elaborate in that the tomato is seasoned with fried garlic and Parmesan cheese, which set off its smoke flavor.