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Trinidad and Tobago

Badru Deen

Appears in
Islas: A Celebration of Tropical Cooking - 125 Recipes from the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific Ocean Islands

By Von Diaz

Published 2024

  • About

By Sophia Ramirez

“Doubles, doubles!” Calls to action radiate from the roadside stands on practically every corner in Trinidad and Tobago. Under the canopies, sticky dough is fried into soft, pillowy flatbreads and topped with a saucy chickpea curry called chana. In two or three deft motions, chutneys and pepper sauces are spooned onto the chana and your doubles are up, served on white paper. They’re eaten on the spot, using the remaining fried bread to scoop up the fallen chana. This is the island’s number one street food.

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