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Pretty Things

Appears in
The Mushroom Cookbook

By Michael Hyams and Liz O'Keefe

Published 2017

  • About
Other Names
Yellow foot, grey foot, winter chanterelle, flame-coloured chanterelle, small chanterelle, trumpet or funnel chanterelle
Latin Names
Craterellus tubaeformis, Craterellus lutescens
Usually Found In
UK, Europe, the USA, Scandinavia, Russia
July to March
Visually spectacular, firm and versatile and slightly sweet in taste, grey and yellow chanterelles are always popular in restaurants and people love the look of them. The grey and yellow chanterelles are two different species of the same family with separate Latin names, but are generally known as yellow foot and grey foot or winter chanterelles. Tasting pretty much the same, they are only very slightly different in looks – both have small umbrella-like yellow-grey caps and long thin hollow stems (referred to as legs or foots), so the only real difference is the colour of their stems, which are either grey or yellow. The grey chanterelle can be a little sturdier, whereas the yellow is usually a bit smaller, more delicate and more prone to moisture, but in general they are both light and spindly mushrooms that grow up to 7.5cm/3in tall in groups on the forest floor in the late summer and throughout the autumn into winter.

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