Russula rhodopus

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Russula rhodopus Zvàra (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 3–10cm across, convex; blood-red to deep garnet-red or even brownish-red; fleshy, very viscid and shiny as if lacquered; easily peeling. Stem 30–80×10–25mm, equal; white, flushed red or pink, often only on lower half. Flesh white; taste mild, smell weak, fruity. Gills rather crowded, narrow; pale cream to yellowish. Spores 7.5–9.5×6.7–7µ, broadly ovate; warts up to 0.5µ high, with a partial to complete reticulum. Spore print pale ochre-yellow (D–E). Habitat with spruce, usually in damp places; autumn. Uncommon in Europe, not yet recorded from Britain. Unknown edibility.