Russula fragilis

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Russula fragilis (Pers.) Fr. (illustrated 60% life size) Cap 2–5cm across, convex, then flattening or depressed; variable in colour, usually purplish or violet-tinted and rather pale, or purplish-red, purple-violet, olive-greenish, even lemon-yellow, often with combinations of these, with a darker, paler, or olive-tinted centre; thin-fleshed, usually delicate and fragile; three-quarters peeling. Stem 25–60×5–15mm, cylindrical to slightly club-shaped; white. Flesh white; taste very hot, smell slightly fruity. Gills adnexed, with tiny nicks along their edges; white to very pale cream. Spores 7.5–9×6–8µ, somewhat globose; warts up to 0.5µ high, joined by fine lines to form an almost complete network. Spore print whitish (A–B). Cap cystidia cylindrical to club-shaped, with 0–2 septa, reacting strongly with SV. Habitat with broad-leaved trees or conifers; late summer to late autumn. Common. Not edible.