Russula turci

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Russula turci Bres. (illustrated 60% life size) Cap 3–10cm across, convex, soon flattening and with a depression; mauve, dark or dull purple, wine-coloured, bay or dark fawn, paling in places; fleshy, sticky or even glutinous when moist, drying matt and often powdered; one-third peeling. Stem 30–70×10–25mm, narrowly club-shaped or cylindrical; white, rarely tinged rose, becoming dirty or brownish. Flesh white; taste mild, smell of iodoform at stem base. Gills adnexed, with connecting veins at their bases; saffron. Spores 7–9×6–8µ, ovate; warts up to 0.5µ high, mostly joined by fine lines or ridges to form a well-developed network. Spore print pale ochre (G). Cap cystidia absent; hyphae with encrustations staining with fuchsin abundant. Habitat with conifers; early summer to autumn. Uncommon. Edible.