Yellowing Brittlegill

Russula puellaris

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Yellowing Brittlegill Russula puellaris Fr. (illustrated 60% life size) Cap 2.5–5cm across, convex then flattened and centrally depressed, margin furrowed; dull purple, wine-coloured, dull red, bay, or brick, or washed-out versions of these colours, often minutely spotted with darker colour, often darker in the centre; thin-fleshed, sticky when moist; half to two-thirds peeling. Stem 20–65×5–15mm, cylindrical or narrowly club-shaped; white; easily broken. Flesh white; taste mild. Gills adnexed-free, pale ochre; all parts becoming or bruising pale ochre. Spores 6.5–9×5.5–7µ, ovate; warts up to 1.2µ high, mostly isolated, fine lines absent or very few. Spore print deepish cream (D–E). Cap cystidia numerous, mostly club-shaped, with 0–1 septa. Habitat with broad-leaved trees or conifers; summer to autumn. Frequent. Edible.